Escape de Matrix: Be You


We are all raised believing certain patterns, behaviors, opinions…and they are just that, opinions, not necessarily facts. We are locked into our matrix, the view of the world we were “told” to believe… How do we free ourselves from the matrix? How do we escape the matrix? First, decide that you want to be You and then all this happens:

1. You are Art Work: you are a white canvas ready to be painted. And you are creative. You are raised to believe that you shouldn’t be expansive. Like Julia Cameron says: “you have a height determined by your childhood and education. If you tap that ceiling then there is more space”.

2. When you move in the direction of your dreams the Universe comes with you. When you unblock you start feeling good. Working in the direction of your dreams helps you to get an increased flow and synchronicity happens.

3. You start to fit out: How many times in your lifetime have you tried to fit in? And how tiring it was sometimes to do so? Why don’t you use that energy to fit out instead? Be You, that way you become authentic (and others love that about you).

4. You invent behavior: When you decide you want to be authentic you start inventing behavior by widening the patterns of behavior you were once taught to follow. Maybe you look at things from a different perspective? Maybe you add a different angle to a conversation? Maybe you react to things in a different way? Maybe you decide to start a new hobby, a new job, etc.?

5. You reinvent the future. Your future doesn’t need to be as predictable as you think. You don’t have to follow the same paths as your relatives, friends, neighbors,…maybe you embark on a new adventure, you launch a business, you look for creative ways to love your job, you move to a different country, you marry somebody from a different country, you name it.

6. You focus on the present: You engage in mindfulness, in the here and now. Why worry so much about the future and the past when there is so much to acknowledge in the present? You become fully present, which in turn improves your empathy and makes you more resilient.

7. You think outside the box….or better…there is NO BOX!: You don’t feel constrained by old patterns of behavior, which makes you more expansive and helps you reach unthinkable goals.

8. You love yourself. So your health, what nourishes you (food and non-food) works itself out much more easily. Like Bernie Siegel says: “The number 1 problem in society is the inability for people to love themselves”. Let’s escape the matrix and love yourself.

9. You connect with people: Synchronicity brings likeminded people to you, you find your tribe and that brings you health and happiness.

So I encourage you to fit out, escape the matrix, be yourself, love yourself (your body, your mind and spirit) and surround yourself with those who love you.

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Happy New Year to everybody!



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