Success Stories

My top three goals upon starting the 6-month program were to lose weight, maintain a healthy diet, gain strength and endurance. Virginia was able to help me work toward these goals by providing me with useful information and setting realistic targets during each session and following up with me in-between sessions.

The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been that I am more aware of the food choices that I make on a daily basis and my daily exercise routine. The most significant overall change I have noticed has been: understanding the importance of primary foods as they relate to secondary food choices.

I would describe Virginia as knowledgeable, enthusiastic, energetic and caring. I would recommend Virginia to anyone who is serious about maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Like many people, I read about nutrition and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. That alone was not working, however. Working with Virginia has kept me motivated. I look forward to discussing new topics and tracking my progress on a biweekly basis!

Ruta, New York (USA)


My top three goals upon starting the 6-month program were to 1) encourage my body to eat healthy things that I have left aside like vegetables, 2) feel better both physically and emotionally and 3) lose weight without the need of being hungry, simply by learning to eat what my body is asking for. Virginia was able to help me work toward these goals by trying new foods that I was not aware of at all and also trying new ways to prepare food. She also encouraged me to try new things and keep living a healthy life. She also taught me techniques to “listen to my body” and get to know myself better, that way you really know what you need. Furthermore, she motivated me to follow an exercise routine.

The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been that I feel so much better than before I started, I have lost a ton of weight (in total I have lost almost 44 pounds so far) without making sacrifices and without being hungry, only by eating the right amount of each food. I get less tired when I do my daily activities.

I would describe Virginia as attentive, understanding, she shows great interest in helping, respectful, approachable, motivating, a fighter, very punctual, a planner, great communicator and a good person. I would recommend Virginia to everybody who would like to feel better, not just to lose weight but to be really healthy and feel very complete as a person.

My life and the way I see things now have changed radically. I have learned a very important thing: we enjoy eating, but what we really do is to nourish our body and provide it with what it needs, independently from our pleasure by doing so.

Borja, Madrid (Spain)


A few months ago I decided that I wanted to have a healthier life to feel well and, on top of that, to lose weight.

Encouraged by Virginia, we decided to start the program and there has been a radical change in my lifestyle.

My top three goals upon starting the 6-month program were to have healthy eating habits, lose weight (I have lost 39 pounds in total so far and my partner has lost 44) and fall in love with exercise. Virginia was able to help me work toward these goals by her orientation, disposition, always encouraging me and with great attitude. She has given me great tips and methods to carry out the changes in my nutrition that I was so looking for.

The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been the elimination of bad carbohydrates and learning to introduce nourishing foods in my life that I never thought I would like. I have found out that there are multiple alternatives that nourish and make you feel very well. I have completely eliminated sugar from my diet and I don’t miss it at all. We have replaced refined products with whole grains and I have learned to consume quinoa, flaxseed, chia seeds, etc. and I am thrilled.

The most significant overall change I have noticed has been: being more conscious of everything I do in my new healthy life. In the same way, we have worked hard to stay motivated with exercise, because, honestly, I am a little bit lazy and we have achieved the goal to devote two days per week to exercise for a couple of hours.

We are following the path to health. It sounds difficult when you think about it at first, but it is really easy to carry out with a little bit of creativity.

I would describe Virginia as exceptional!!! She is always there to support me whenever I need her. I would recommend Virginia to anyone who would like to change his or her life to feel well and be healthy.

Edra, Santo Domingo (República Dominicana)


My top three goals at the beginning of the program were: improve eating habits, exercise 3 times a week and lose weight

My coach was able to help me work towards these goals. Virginia’s thoughtful, research based and personal approach helped in countless ways. Through bi-weekly discussions, articles, websites and recipes Virginia opened my mind to healthy living in a whole new way. The positive feedback and enthusiasm Virginia freely shares helped to establish an easy partnership and new outlook for me. Now I have new knowledge and skills to continue to achieve all my health goals and have a healthy and active lifestyle.

My biggest tangible benefit of the program is: the wealth of knowledge, resources and positive feedback I will have for the remainder of my life.

I would describe my coach as: incredibly gifted in health and lifestyle coaching, warm, personable, enthusiastic, extremely intelligent, compassionate and caring.

Linda, Houston (USA)


My top three goals upon starting the 6-month program were: weight loss (reduce 6kg), cholesterol figures improvement, reduction of cravings and sugar intake, improvement of eating habits. My coach was able to help me work toward these goals by setting up clear guidance and targets, providing specific and reasonable tips (and facts to support them) to change my diet and improve my self-control, making me feel accountable and motivated to achieve my goals.

The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been: weigh loss and improvement of my cholesterol figures, better control against cravings and better eating habits, improved awareness about the importance of all the different elements that contribute to overall well-being and those aspects in which I need to focus more to achieve personal growth. The most significant overall change I have noticed has been: weigh loss and improvement in my cholesterol figures.

I would describe my coach as: motivated, methodical, energizing, always listening and providing constructive feedback and solutions, awesome! I would recommend my coach to anyone who needs help in improving any aspect related to Nutrition and Well-being. After many years with my cholesterol levels going up and up, and starting to approach undesired levels (at age 38), Virginia helped and motivated me in doing smart changes into my diet. After the 6 month-program, the cholesterol levels decreased for the first time in my life!. Most importantly the changes are not very complicated or unpleasant, and I am confident I can maintain those for many years to come. I am now back in control!

Oriol, Houston (USA)


My top three goals upon starting the program with Virginia were: 1) sustained energy throughout afternoon, 2)loose weight, 3)overall lifestyle change. Virginia is my constant cheerleader, motivator and educator. She genuinely cares about the whole person, body, mind and spirit. I have noticed changes that have become a part of my daily living, without thinking about it.

The most significant overall change I have noticed has been: no more cravings of simple carbs and I have lost 10 lbs so far.

I would describe Virginia as: believer in achievement, she will not give up on you. Thoughtful, knowledgeable, approachable, she creates a warm, safe environment.

I would recommend Virginia to anyone who needs motivation and an accountable partner for a healthy life. Virginia will be there for anyone the long haul. She has the capacity to see areas in your life that need to be addressed and will walk with you during this journey.

Teya, Houston (USA)


My top three goals upon starting my 6 month program were: weight loss, help with Hashimoto’s and feel better in general (sleep etc). Virginia was able to help me work towards these goals by doing some blood work to determine which supplements I needed, providing recipes for my new way of eating and offering exercise suggestions.

The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been having control over my diet. The most significant  overall change I have noticed has been: feeling so much better with  my diet, sleep and exercise.

I would describe Virginia as: kind, encouraging and very knowledgeable.I would recommend her to everyone!!

Debbie, Houston (USA)


I have experienced so many positive changes over the past six months! I am really happy to have gotten to work with Virginia! I think I’m most thrilled about losing 25 pounds! I haven’t been able to lose weight for years! Virginia taught me was that I needed to establish good routines in my life – for eating, sleeping, exercising, and relaxing.

I learned a great deal about foods from Virginia. Not only about good proteins, carbs, and fats to eat but also which foods are best for me and which ones I should avoid for my specific needs. Virginia knew which tests I should do to help me discover more about my gut. We found out which ones I was really, truly allergic to! We found out I was sensitive to some high histamine foods! Wow, who knew!! Virginia helped me figure out which foods were really bothering me and then eliminate those foods. She also helped me figure out meal plans that still made it fun to eat even though I was eliminating some foods.

I really, truly appreciated the different lab tests that Virginia knew to have done for me! She did not just send me the results, but she helped me go over them and really understand what they meant for me specifically! She gave me advice on changes I needed to make to improve my health from things I was suffering from. It was an absolute marvelous blessing to me to have found someone who knew how to help me!!! I have, actually gotten answers and seen changes from working with Virginia!!

I’ve gone to many doctors trying to get help with my health problems. I was at my wit’s end with my stomach issues. Virginia worked very closely with me to find the solutions to the problems I was suffering from. She was able to help me target the things I really needed to focus on and change so that I wasn’t just shooting in the dark anymore, which is what it’s felt like I’ve been doing for years.

Marley, Houston (USA)


My top three goals were to reduce stress to reduce heart palpitations, improve my sleep, heal nagging injuries so I can get back to the gym.

Virginia was able to help me work toward these goals by instructing me on healthy stress and sleep habits that improved my sleep quality and thus daily life as well as helped me drastically reduce my overall stress levels while still performing at a high level.

I had a massive improvement in my stress levels, I believe this was a combination of implementing the techniques that I’ve learned from Virginia as well as an overall taking a good break from work to reset after the busy season of Christmas

I would describe Virginia as knowledgable, kind, encouraging but not pushy, very enthusiastic!

I would recommend Virginia to anyone looking to improve their overall health no matter what the starting point. I consider myself very health conscious and very healthy overall but Virginia was still able to help me make significant progress.

Keaton, Nantucket (USA)