Category: Exercise

Weight Loss Factors with Black Belt Health

  I had the pleasure to record a video for Black Belt Health on the key factor impacting Weight Loss. From stress to exercise to toxins…, there are several aspects that may impact your journey to lose weight. The important thing is to look at the holistic picture and address the different dynamics to make...
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Háblame De Tí Podcast- Virginia Rodríguez Perlado

  I had the pleasure to be interviewed by my friend and colleague, Maite Piera, for her Podcast– Háblame de tí. We discussed my professional trajectory, my love for Functional Medicine and Coaching, my career change, my experience living in several countries, some awesome healthy tips and many more details…A super open and honest discussion,...
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Hormonal health: What can we do about it?

  Hormonal health is primarily about balance vs. absolute levels of any one hormone at any point in time. Cholesterol is the starting point (LDL specifically) of all sex hormones. Hormones are made overtly by glands (e.g. testosterone in testes for men; estrogen and progesterone in ovaries in women; both sexes make progesterone in the...
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Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

  There are so many different factors that may have an impact on weight loss. We can’t tackle weight loss in isolation. First, we need to assess what may be in the way by looking at root causes and then address those aspects. Only then we will see a change on the scale and we...
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Anti-aging, what’s the secret?

  Yes, we are all getting older, but can we age with grace? Can we establish some awesome diet and lifestyle habits that will allow us to live longer younger? These are some of the outstanding recommendations we can all follow, supported by Dr. Frank Lipman: 1. Focus on a whole foods diet that promotes...
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Hormesis, when a little bit of stress is good…

  The human body is incredible. It is designed to continuously adapt to and thrive in a largely unpredictable environment. Welcome to the powerful concept of eustress – or hormesis: the physiological phenomenon whereby the body derives long-term benefits and strength from short, potent episodes of challenge or stress. Hormesis is a term that has...
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An Epidemic of Metabolic Dysfunction

  An epidemic.
40-50% of American adults have prediabetes or worse. 1980 was an inflection point for the epidemic. Also, from 2001- 2011, T2D increased from ~3% to 45% of total adolescent diabetes diagnoses. Insulin resistance emerges in American adults ~13 years prior to a T2D diagnosis. In children, this may be in less than two...
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The Need for Self-Love

  One of my favorite doctors, Dr. Bernie Siegel, says: “The number 1 problem is society is the inability of people to love themselves”. This is huge. If we started by loving ourselves we would prevent many downstream issues; professional personal, and health related. Ask yourself this, “what do you give yourself permission to do”....
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Strength vs. Cardio Exercise for Disease Prevention

  It is clear that exercise provides lots of great benefits for our health: it releases endorphins, it eliminates toxins, it is good for digestion, it decreases likelihood of cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes, it helps you fight stress and it keeps your appetite hormones under balance…amongst many other things! However, what type of...
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