Tuna Salad with Roasted Peppers

  This is a simple but delicious salad for all year round. I don’t recommend eating tuna very often since it may contain mercury. Choose wisely, selecting a high quality canned tuna for a nice dose of Omega 3s. There is plenty of protein in this salad, along with eggs for some choline. Peppers and...
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Cardiovascular health. What matters?

  When it comes to taking care of our heart, let’s take a look at the few things that matter most: The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart, the blood, and the blood vessels. Basically, a pump, miles of distributed hoses, and a priceless liquid. The heart is a very large, electrically stimulated muscle,...
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The Amazing Properties of Pumpkins

  Pumpkins have outstanding nutritional value. According to Dr.Fuhrman: Pumpkins Contain Carotenoids Important for Immune Function Pumpkins and related squashes are good sources of beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants belonging to a group of pigments called carotenoids. • Carotenoids defend the body’s tissues against oxidative damage, helping to prevent chronic diseases and premature aging....
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Anti-aging, what’s the secret?

  Yes, we are all getting older, but can we age with grace? Can we establish some awesome diet and lifestyle habits that will allow us to live longer younger? These are some of the outstanding recommendations we can all follow, supported by Dr. Frank Lipman: 1. Focus on a whole foods diet that promotes...
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Do you love your tribe?

  What I do as a Functional Medicine Health Coach is about Education, Inspiration, Empowerment and Community. When my clients work with me, they get access to very critical scientific information about Nutrition and Lifestyle Management. It is not just about that, it is about behavior change, and transformation. We together, come up with the...
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Two Superfood-packed Breakfasts

  Breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day, even though I truly believe that all meals are equally important. What makes breakfast so special is that it sets the tone for the rest of the day. There is nothing better than starting the day with a nutritious meal that holds you over...
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What do NASA Astronauts and Functional Medicine Coaches have in common?

  This is dedicated to all my colleagues, Functional Medicine Health Coaches, our amazing patients and clients and our future patients and clients. You are the reason why we do what we do everyday. We are transforming healthcare together. Since I have been living in Houston for the last 6 years, I have had the...
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What is Histamine Intolerance and what can you do about it?

  Histamine is an inflammatory mediator. When a release of histamine is triggered, it helps the immune system respond to threats (e.g. infections, allergies (which are essentially the body’s “imagined” threats)). Capillaries are dilated to increase circulation and become more permeable to help white blood cells get to where they are needed. This is helpful...
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Artichokes with Prawns and Turmeric

  Here is an easy dish full of fiber, superfoods and very tasty ingredients for 2 servings: Ingredients: • 250gr of Prawns (fresh or frozen) • 1 Garlic clove • A quarter of an onion • 1 can/container of heart artichokes • Salt and EVOO • Turmeric to taste Instructions: 1. Defrost prawns, wash and...
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Common Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

  Dietary choices may directly or indirectly affect endocrine function: • Foods may overtly contain hormones – both natural (e.g. dairy) and synthetic (e.g. beef in the US). • Many foods have endocrine effects e.g. phytoestrogens. • Many chemical additives and residues have endocrine disrupting properties, either mimicking hormones, affecting hormone receptor function, and/or affecting...
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